Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pak Lah's vision of Mutual Cooperation

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today said that the appointment of Gerakan former deouty secretary-general Lee Kah Choon to the directorship of Penang Development Corporation (PDC) and InvestPenang will open the ways for mutual cooperation between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional.

However, Pak Lah said he will leave it to Gerakan to decide on what actions to take against Lee.

"For me, it’s okay as long as there is no clash in policy,” Pak Lah said in a brief press conference after attending a function in Kuala Lumpur today.

Abdullah was commenting on Lee’s decision to take up the offer by Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng to helm the two important investment development agencies of the state government.

Except for Pak Lah it seems that the others in the Barisan Nasional is against any of their members accepting positions to serve the nation's interest. It can be observed that Pakatan Rakyat is working hard to demolished the racial divide and political divide and to put the nation's interest as number one priority over their own party interest.

Why is it so hard for Barisan Nasional leaders to accept good governance and to cooperate in the interest of the nation for the utmost benefit of the rakyat?


CK said...

"Why is it so hard for Barisan Nasional leaders to accept good governance and to cooperate in the interest of the nation for the utmost benefit of the rakyat?"

It's hard bcox:
1. they dun bother abt the interest of the nation or the benefit of the rakyat
2. they dun want to do the same if they happen to be in power.
3. they are hopeless

Anonymous said...

4. they are afraid this will lead to mass defections of BN members/leaders to PR

5. they are jealous/envious of the posts given to Lee Kah Chun, while they get nothing

6. if Lee Kah Chun would give them a portion of his salary derived from the above posts, they will promptly shut up

Anonymous said...

like puncture a hole in BN. ;)
Perhaps it is Jeffooi suggestion to recruit Gerakan "outlaw" ;)

Arena Green said...

BN's greatest success is in attracting the sort of people who join politics not to be of service to the people and the nation but more like "self-service".

It remains to be seen how the party leadership within Pakatan Rakyat can get the support of their own members to adopt this new approach in governance and accountability. It is virtually unchartered waters and still early days to gauge how practical and workable it will be. But we need to give it a try because the old ways obviously is not acceptable anymore.

I hope the MSM will not be foolish and resort to malicious reporting as a subtle form of sabotage just so to help BN score points.

It is time for healing, not pouring salt into old and festering wounds.

Anonymous said...


BN are a bunch of people just trying to gain some money! NOT people good!

Yan said...

Observing the past comments made by our PM & DPM, it seems that they are not in sync.
Or am I too sensitive?

cakap mesti bikin siap siap said...

Flip Flop PM change mind in less than 3 hours:)


Seriously, I would rather believe elephant can fly too. Sorry I don't want to be negative but I do respect reality:)


Abdullah’s response today appeared to contradict his deputy Najib Abdul Razak who had told the press yesterday that Lee’s action was “against the spirit of Barisan Nasional”.

However, Abdullah seemed to change his stand later today. According to a report by Bernama, Abdullah said Lee’s decision was "against the spirit of BN".

Hope said...

Oh my God! He changed his mind? Just like that?

I believe elephants can fly too..

bayi said...

For YB Lim KY who has spoken out so strongly against this, it's all about politics. If you lose, you stick with the losers. It's not about nation-building or the best allocation of resources.

You've got it all wrong, YB. The days of such silo-minded thinking is over. If you can't embrace the new thinking of the rakyat, you can only lead Gerakan into oblivion.

In fact, Gerakan should be joining Pakatan Rakyat to build the nation.

Anonymous said...

Gerakan is already finished as a political entity, with only 2 MPs, worse than the small Sabah parties. Luckily Pairin's PBS did not merge with Gerakan. So Lim KY and Sam Vellu can do "it" together behind the rubber tree for all therakyat cares

Jefus said...

"Why is it so hard for Barisan Nasional leaders to accept good governance and to cooperate in the interest of the nation for the utmost benefit of the rakyat?"

Because it does not serve their interests. Because good governance is not in their list. And interest of the nation is not in their interest.

Tell me who divides and rules, who threatens minorities? (For goodness sakes, read it again, MINORITIES ) I can understand minority ruling a majority group needs apartheid policies but this is totally reversed!

Why is chicken little so afraid that the sky will fall?

Peace and harmony prospers everybody,..... is that so difficult to understand?

Sue.Aleen said...

yesterday night when i watched tv3 news (sometimes u need to watch and hear what they say), what on earth LKY was talking about... oh.. perhaps he is jealous or something. still talking without thinking. m glad to see LGE took the action...

they still never learnt...

Anonymous said...

LGE and the DAP is moving into unchartered waters in an attempt to harness the best available brains and personnel to move the state forward. We should wish them well and hope that they will succeed in their magnanimous approach in appointing people to positions of responsibility and power.

Forget about the selfish methods that have been adopted by UMNO and the BN for 50 years whereby posts are selfishly given to people who are not even capable of performing-just to make sure that thier party people are appointed and also to spite the opposition.

Maverick SM said...


It is largely due to personal interest and the inability to accept reality of the day.


I'm not sure but a good decision which benefits the state is important. Pakatan Rakyat govt of Penang should remember that they are put in power to manage the state to the best interest of all the rakyat of Penang and if the appointment would benefit the state, irrespective of political affiliation, the right person should be given the task.

Anak Merdeka,

Lim Guan Eng's task now is to convinced the Pakatan Assemblymen on this appointment.


It is far more important to cause a paradigm shift that built on a new political cooperation between PR and BN which would serve the benefits of the rakyat as a whole.


Maybe you are right but what's important is Pak Lah may be a bit slow to respond wisely.


Let's give the PM a chance to do good; if we think his idea and opinions are good, irrespective of his other acts we must give credit where credit is due.


Let's give the PM the benefit of the doubt.


LKY is a historical artifact.


You may be right as the BN system is cultured to seek personal benefits at the expense of the nation.


I didn't watch the news at TV3 but I can be sure nothing good does come from his mouth. He is worse than Nazri for, Nazri has at times say things rightly and wisely.

Unknown said...

And LKY was ranting away against Guan Eng and Jeff Ooi, saying that he pitied them!

Pitied them!

I could not believe my ears! How could he be so condescending? LKY campaigned for his son in Batu, organising dinners and shows for free, compared to Tian Chua who could hardly afford anything more than bare creamahs. The constituents ate the free dinner and enjoyed the free show but they chose to vote for Tian Chua.

Sometimes it saddens me to see such dinosuars ramble on and one. If one is old, let him retire with dignity. Showing how senile he was took a knock on his dignity.

Poor old man...

Anonymous said...

How to give benefit of doubt when I read these 2 articles regarding the dinner with Malaysian Bar Council and the announcement of the Judicial Reform and compensation.

If these 2 articles are true (so far Raja Petra story are quite true), this add to my doubt on what the PM said.



These are serious matters written on the Bar Council , wonder it will make any response.

Anonymous said...

I applaud LGE for taking this bold move to tap existing talents.

If Lee Kah Choon is the best candidate to shoulder this portfolio to prosper Penang, why not?

I believe he's has already quit all Gerakan party posts, however, if his appointment is still contentious due to his political affliations - then I guess Lee Kah Choon might just have to quit Gerakan as an ordinary member too.

Helen said...

There are calls for Lee Kah Choon to resign on his own accord.... before Gerakan kick him out... that's according to the Gerakan Wanita leader. Don't know her name and couldn't care less.

If I'm Lee, I will Never Resign on my own. Let them kick me out and show th world what kind of party Gerakan is. I'll definitely not make life easy for them by resigning myself.

Maverick SM said...


I believed LKY pitied them; but he needs more pity then them.


I also applaud LGE but I'm afraid he will face internal DAP resistance.


Personally I think LKC should be brave to quit Gerakan.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mav,

I hope the internal DAP people will be liberal enough to accept such "out-of-the-box" changes for the betterment of the state/people/country.

Malaysian politics has evolved tremendously since 08Mars, so DAP politicians have got to evolved to remain relevant and effective to current environment.

Unless they evolved, they could end up fossilised as part of history.

Maverick SM said...


DAP members and representatives are not as matured as Lim Guan Eng and most of all, many lacks wisdom. What is important is that LGE must use his wisdom and rationality to rule and ensure a zero crony culture. That way, the members will not find fault with the system administrators.

Anonymous said...

Yes , yes, yes, correct, correct, correct.
Lee Kah Choon is the next Stephen Hawkins. LOL

Anonymous said...

MAV, How much do know of the maturity of the other DAP members n reps. Dont you think this is a damn stupid remark from you. You think only LGE is matured. Its a damn insult to the hundreds and hundreds of proffessionls in the DAP. I am surprised at your stupid and shallow thinking.

Anonymous said...

correct correct correct
Lim Guan Eng is the next Stephen Hawkins. The rest of the DAP guys are stupid n not matured incl his father Lim Kit Siang. LOL