Thursday, May 01, 2008

Ethics vs Investment benefits

Ethics? What ethics? Whose ethics?

“Whose ethics are you referring to? Which value judgment are you using? If they bring in investment and create jobs, I don’t see any ethical questions on that. I am not too sure which yardstick you are using,” Iskandar Regional Development Authority chief executive officer Datuk Ikmal Hijaz Hashim post this to local reporters.

Datuk Ikmal was responding to the question of ethics on the luring Halliburton's investments in Johor's Iskandar project.

The question of ethics does not arise in bringing Halliburton, the controversial US-based multinational, to invest in Malaysia, said

Datuk Ikmal added: "Malaysia should be open. Halliburton is investing in oil and gas and we have are happy to have them there."

“We should invite investment as long as it bring benefits to the country. It may not be good taste to other countries – I am not too sure. But I would not like to be involved in that area (good taste or not).”

The American oil and gas company opened a RM200mil manufacturing centre in Iskandar Malaysia in late March.

Halliburton has been in the news not only for turning in huge profits, but for a number of political controversies involving its work for the US government, its political ties, and its corporate ethics.

Halliburton has close ties with US Vice-President Dick Cheney who used to be with the company until he assumed his present political post.

The company benefited the most from the March 2003 war in Iraq, obtaining the bulk of oil and gas contracts there.

There have been a number of complaints about Halliburton, including unlawfully receiving special treatment for work in Iraq and abuse of contract, fraud and overcharging.

Some of these cases are still under FBI and Pentagon investigations.

Source: CEO: Halliburton will bring benefits to Iskandar

Ethics? What ethics? Investment benefits the people, so says Ikmal.

[quote] “Whose ethics are you referring to? Which value judgment are you using? If they bring in investment and create jobs, I don’t see any ethical questions on that. I am not too sure which yardstick you are using.” [unquote]

Did not the world class high-technology pig farm in Selangor draws investments and benefits for the people?

Kelantan MB and PAS spiritual leader Tok Guru Niz Aziz however expressed support for the hi-tech pig farm on the condition that it did not contaminate the environment.

Nik Aziz said there was no reason to raise objections against the proposal if the company managing the farm was able to adhere to the guidelines set by the Department of Environment.


GobloKing said...

ethics = $$$$
Haliburton's "ethics" = Bolehland numbah 1 party "ethics"

THAT sort of ethics dear!

Blood money?
Wardogs money?
duit rakyat?
duit negara?

SEMUA SAPU! 'tu lah ethics new economy mah!

I think you are so frus with these flers cause they just throw terms around they do not understand,do not give a damn about and which hv absolutely nothing to do with their lives.

But you know already wat!?
You also know many peoples in numbah1 party no can read, write or speakee engrish what!!

Those type of words makes management gurus outta ppl lah...

corporate governance
mindset change

you say some words like dat in da MAN!!!!

ALL we want is EVERYBODY's $$$$$$$..who cares if today Haliburton, tomorrow Mugabe, next day Gaddafi - ALL SELAMAT DATANG, Bagi Wang !!!

Anonymous said...

What ethics????

Use the BN way... ie money talks.

farzain said...


You think dalam ribu ribu orang BN tu takde sorang pun ada etika ka? That's being judgemental. One bad apple you want to kenakan the whole tree. Think before writing such accusations.

Anonymous said...

In BN only one bad apple???

You must be joking???

The same applys to you think before you write. But by the way it is not one bad apple that spoilt the whole tree.... think before you write is this possible

Anonymous said...

Haha! Betul ko cakap Farzain! Macamlah semua org dalam PR tuh suci sangat? They all bukan manusia kah? Too early to judge and to compare la. People with power tend to corrupt. Baru sebulan lebih diberi kuasa and keje pun tak buat lagi, kecoh-kecoh pula?

Unknown said...


in 21st Century, money$ is GOD... so whatever rules, principles certain man carries and lives for are no longer valid.

pity those in the administration of IDR as they live lives of confusion!

sad reality indeed.

Anonymous said...

anonymous (please get a proper name, TQ)

That is just a matter of speech. If ppl are always taking literally whatever is being thrown to them (like the word ONE meaning only "ONE")

My point is, sebelum nak tuduh orang, tak payah lah buat judgement untuk SEMUA orang dalam parti tu. Jadi, segenggam orang BN jahat, semua orang BN pun jahat ke? Itu point saya.

Maverick SM said...


You are right about the words used in a context that can be frivolous.


I do agree with you. This article is about a corporate individual transliterating an English term in a frivolous environment and has nothing to do with BN per se.


I think it also does not concern PR or BN; it's a corporate statement by an individual in a corporate capacity. We are talking about management issues and the ethics of business corporations in a society that promotes moral behaviors of business.

Ling Ling Chatt,

I think if you are the CEO of IDR, you face the same dilemma.