Wednesday, May 14, 2008

National Service programme reformed & re-engineered

In view of the number of deaths and incidents at the various national service camps, the government has now found a good solution.

It has been decided that the national service programme is still very good for the youth and the slight mishap largely attributed to the health issues of the participants can be overcome by re-inventing and re-engineering the programme with less vigorous exercises with intermittent class exercises and teaching aids .

After much deliberating amongst the ministers, it was decided that the national service trainees will spent the 3 months in the camp studying and practicing sex education and perform exercises that is beneficial to their health.

What an excellent idea. It's now a wholly and holistic programme for youth and they should be able to perform a great national service to the nation.

The only slight problem is to re-write the objectives and goals of the original national service charter which the ministers believed isn't any mammoth task as they have several experts to assist to write the charters to reflect the additional objectives and a new vision 2057.

At the same time, the government had also conducted a comprehensive study of the cause of inflation and the unexpected irrational exuberance in the cost of basic commodities and prices of goods.

It was discovered that Malaysians spent about RM67 billion on shopping sprees and this irrational exuberance had resulted in the sudden increase in the price of rice, petroleum products, steel bars and flours.

As such, the government will be imposing a few new regulations and rules to restrict unnecessary spendings and shoppings to deter spending and reduce the poverty level of the people. For girls and boys under 18 years old they may be required to have a certificate of competency issued by a new ministry to be named later and the ministry would be given a senior minister status such as the one comparable to Lee Kuan Yew (most likely an MP from Sabah would be appointed to be the minister to show appreciations for the support of the Sabahan in the last election). The certificate of competency would cost RM250 each and the child must get the endorsement from her parents giving the assurance that they can afford to pay for all the expense without bank borrowings. Exemptions may be provided for some privilege children of ministers and Barisan MPs as survey shows most Barisan MPs are rich and have the financial ability to sustain over the next 16 years up to 2014.

At the same time the government would also introduce fines up to RM250 for smokers found smoking at certain areas. This penalty is necessary to discourage smoking and reduce the number of cases of cancer and also help to cut cost and expenditure of Malaysians.

Malaysians generally do not know how to take care of themselves; and as such it is necessary that the government must put up affirmative actions and regulations to help to educate the people and make them better citizens.

More rules and regulations will be formulated in due course to help Malaysians improve their lifestyle and spending habits. In view of these, a few new ministries will be created and the post of ministers will be reserved for Sabah and Sarawak BN MPs. Hopefully, these additional ministerial positions would appease the East Malaysians and prevent them from hopping around and making so much noise in the parliament scaring many others and causing anxieties to the nation as a whole.

It is observed that this new initiatives would affect Anwar Ibrahim's effort to get the 30 MPs to form the next government. Anwar should be upset over the new proposals which effectively diminished his chance of becoming the next prime minister.

Anwar's only hope is that this new is not true but are just rumours spinned by this blogger. The blogger himself also do not believed in the news as he discovered that he was writing rubbish.


Anonymous said...

dont spin lah. oops, thought the lady from MCA is going to see that sex education is part of the NS curriculum. at least, its less harmful than using live bullets. but, it aint gonna reduce the risk in this game of death.
nah, too many parties are affected, so the lives of young children are subservient to their (cronies) profits.
when was the last time Najib care for you?

GobloKing said...

if the mata2 gonna police such important new rules such as catching smokers , catching candle lighter-uppers, standing by at dataran merdeka, showering citizens, arresting bloggers - then all I want to know is

WTF will catch robbers, murderers etc in the crime ridden areas (read as in ALL of Malaysia)?

If appeasing politicans is be simple as appointing them ministers then I hv a suggestion for our dear PM to keep everyone senyum-ing

how about
Minister without Portfolio (Tawau)
Minister without Portfolio (Miri)

Then we will hv MORE work for the mata2 as outriders.

Anonymous said...

NS trainee to ge given sex education? What if some of then decided to do some practical training there? What if some of the male instructors offer to train the trainees of the fairer sex?

Jefus said...

the number of deaths is unacceptable at all. this money making scheme is immoral, venting anguish to unsuspecting parents.

LLT and company have no shame. something is dreadfully wrong! innocent lives are being lost!

rewriting the mission statement only prolongs the stupidity and money making machinery. it must stop!


the economy is teetering, its the economy stupid, ....

that RM 67 bill, should be linked to the default credit card debts,....that will really really bring out the fear factor in Msians! we are in serious debt! but the gomen is not letting the cat out of the bag!

Maverick SM said...


mata2 catch smokers and bloggers; Rela catch immigrant workers; PuteriUmno catch thieves and rapists.

NS Bull,

Well, if the male instructor offers, it is up to the trainees to consider the offer. Ng Yen Yen will supervise the contract.


This is our system; we always reinvent to make it viable.

Letting the time pass me by said...

After much deliberating amongst the ministers, it was decided that the national service trainees will spent the 3 months in the camp studying and practicing sex education and perform exercises that is beneficial to their health.

What is this? Are they going to practice sex during the 3 months in the camp or what?

Well, at the camp who is going to monitor them? Can 10 wardens control 1000 teenagers?

I am not very supportive with the PLKN and the fatality are very alarming... The participant is not really doing anything, and so far, I do not see any positive contribution from the program...

I think the PLKN should be a volunteer program and optional... Thus, it will be more acceptable and more beneficial to those who enroll for the program...

Why not turn the PLKN into a post secondary program which have some credential, maybe a diploma or advance certificate for the participants which can be use to apply for jobs, maybe then it will make more sense...

Anonymous said...

Kowtow to Badawi & his geng-geng... so easy for them to 'kautim' everything.

National Service got problem? Just add some Nice Sex... problem kautim!

Ministerial representation issues?
appoint some orang asli as Minister of Iban?, Kadazan & etc... problem kautim!


Maverick SM said...

Letting the time pass me by,

Your idea is great; if only the minister would listen.

phillix-starscreamer said...

"Why not turn the PLKN into a post secondary program which have some credential, maybe a diploma or advance certificate for the participants which can be use to apply for jobs, maybe then it will make more sense.."

I think this is brilliant. At the end of the day, what people essentially want is to be recognized for their efforts and for some returns. You're a rockstar, letting the time pass me by!

Anonymous said...

if the freaking NS program is so good, please all you ministers volunteer your kids to go to the most remote camp.
let me tell you freaking hypocrites. you ministers will ensure none of your kids be there.
ya, sure deaths to number of participants is only a small percentage. you will never feel coz its not your kids.

Ong Choon How said...

I don't think its wrong to give sex education. In fact, it should be done at secondary school level.

Though I am totally not a BN supporter, but I do support the NS policy. For one reason, national unity. Although much of it has been used as a tool for BN propaganda, but consider it to be the most effective way to bring youngster of different races together. Therefore, the training should be continue. As for fatality, no one can garuntee that those trainees if the were not in NS, they will be safe outside. Accidents do happen. But important thing is that the government take initiative to improve the infrastructure, service and facilities, as well as protocol for emergency to avoid injury and fatality.

As for sex education, if you are still making joke about sex education, you are seriously naive over the issue. Don't use moral or religious value to say right or wrong and handle the issue objectively. Youngster nowadays are not as ignorant as we were last time. With the Internet, they are expose to vast information which can be both good and bad. Statistically already shown that the age of having sex is not getting old but younger everyday. If we do not educate them properly on sex, the next generation is going to face more radical social problem than what this generation has.

So, wake up and be more matured!

Anonymous said...

NS for national unity? why not do a survey and see how many ex-NS has more friends of different mix, now that they have graduated.

many of my friends have been to malaysia govt organised camps like this in my secondary school, and also in the U. but once the camps is over, everyone will return to their own lives and there is no interaction anymore.

as for sex education in NS, i strongly disagree. it's a crazy idea. teach it in secondary school ok, but not in NS. why? in secondary school, the teacher is an instructor, and they are a teacher, a 'parental guidance to the student', and a noble task, in short they 'teach'. in NS, the role of the instructor is no a teacher, they are deemed the commander, a superior like in the army. you don't 'no', and you don't question 'why', this is the life in the army. i am in singapore, and we know the army life, at least the real army life. so this is strong prone to abuse, and in short crazy!!

Maverick SM said...


Your suggestion is great but NS program are not academic programmes.

Ong Choon How,

Firstly, we should not treat the NS program as a political programme to convey any political interest, propagandas or insinuations.

What we are concerned is the many deaths and weaknesses resulting from the management and trainers.

If the programme managers and ministers cannot guarantee the safety of the participants and cannot guarantee that they would not be raped or tortured by the trainers, then you sent your daughter or son there.

I'm not sure how much you understand about sex education and I suppose you should also read more about the much failures of sex education in European and American schools.