Friday, July 11, 2008

Agri Ministry has goats that can mate 80 at one time, says Deputy Minister

Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim was asked by Datuk Ibrahim Ali whether how many goats breed by the ministry was for mating purposes.

She answered that a male Boer goat could “service” up to 80 does at one time.

After the goat finishes, it will be rested for one week and will be given tongkat ali, honey and eggs before it starts mating again.

Rohani said: “I call these goats ‘heroes’.

According to Rohani, these great mating "dickheads" are difficult to get and the price are very high. These goats are usually borrowed from one place to carry out mating elsewhere.” [emphasis added]

If any big man can "service" 80 pax a day, you are also classified as 'Heroes'. The goats can be heroes, we human also can be heroes. But then it is surely difficult to get and the price must surely be very high. I wonder whether we have to borrow from elsewhere.

I cannot oh! Pak Lah can ah? Najib can ah?

Maybe we should try tongkat ali, honey and eggs before the assignment.

If God said that Jonah was swallowed by a whale, then the whale swallowed Jonah, and we do not need a scientist to measure the gullet of a whale.

- A.W. Tozer


bayi said...


I'll bet that there will be many trying out a diet of tongkat ali. honey and eggs now that the secret is out. And make sure you use Manuka honey and kampung eggs for better effect!

Unknown said...


Very funny indeed. Gomen through Pak Lah should recomm end AGONG (Daulat Tuanku!) to confer Tan Sri-ship to BOER GOAT Heros that can wallop up to 80 pax per day.

The country needs GOATS to replace policemen at stations!

The people have more faith on GOATS than policemen, hence could Pak Lah replace the current IGP with Inspector Goat of Police, Mr. BOER GOAT?????

Bung Mokthar will support this motion in Parliament for sure.

Maverick SM said...


Thanks for the info; I go get them now!

Maverick SM said...


You have fantastic ideas.

Anonymous said...

So the selective breed Berkshire pig that supplied spermatozoa to breed ten thousands of piglet per year should be call super-duper-ultra-hero?

Now I know why Malaysia goat industry failed to scale.

Anonymous said...

The Malaysian Boer 'goate' can service up to 100 males, before somebody decide to make a police report.


Maverick SM said...


Actually Malaysian Goat Industry are doing very well; they are mass producing; poor goatee had to do 80 each time before he takes a one week rest.


Report for what? He is doing his services well...

Anonymous said...


Another 'BNatang' F.....g machine like orangutan in the KERAjaan SARKIS.


Khun Pana aka johanssm said...

Apa punya menteri ini.
Lain yang di tanya , lain yang di jawab nya.

Kambing Boer jantan boleh "service dengan izin " sampai 80 betina .
Rohani , you punya jantan boleh " service dengan izin " sampai berapa
Ibrahim Ali punya soalan lain , dia tanya berapa ekor untuk breeding dengan izin dan rohani jawab lain pulak.

But honestly , i also cannot.
Ask jeanne danker if abdullah can or not.
Najib?..he uses Semtex C4.

Anonymous said...

Actually Ibrahim Ali minta izin mahu service itu menteri 40x, tapi dia kasi 80x.


Anonymous said...

Ibrahim Ali sedigi pun menate kambing kecek kokse. Mace mano Pas bole sokong oghe gila ini. lebih baik pilih hok jual ike tepi jale jadi MP

Maverick SM said...


There's so many.

Khun Pana,

Hahaha... lain yang tanya, lain pulak di jawab. You are the first to ctach this!


Betul ke?