Thursday, July 10, 2008

Malaysia: Lack of Integrity?

In remarks on recent developments in Thailand and Malaysia, Lee Kuan Yew said - in response to a question on the future of the Asian region - that he is filled with 'dismay' that these two countries have run into severe problems:

"It fills me with dismay because these were potentially promising countries, promising economies, but now they've run into some very severe problems.

You look at Malaysia. The economy. It is one of the wealthiest countries in the region. It's got oil, it's got gas, it's got palm oil. All the commodities it has. It's also got a manufacturing sector.

But suddenly, it's trapped in some political-cum-personal difficulties of charges and counter-charges which can only be bad for the economy. I think the KL Stock Exchange has gone down by some 20 per cent. I don't track it, but I know it's down.

But I see all these problems as man-made. It's not economics. It is lack of a certain integrity in the system that you are entrusted with."

Source: Malaysian Bar


Anonymous said...

He's right of course. What are we to do? Have a complete change of government? Given that the "democratic reformer" is in the smack middle of these charges and counter-charges I don't see any good with that. I say better the devil we know than one we don't. Now that the PM has announced his would be retirement, let's hope the inner resistance is one thing less to worry about as he go about fulfilling his promises that he's heard the warning and grievances, loud and clear, of 308. and be able to lay down measures and reforms without fear or favour.

normsaid said...

Integrity? What integrity? Is there any of it, if at all? Smell the coffee, bud! The politicians are running the country down. Each one of them who have an interest to lead are tainted with something... and we're talking about integrity? If they had any of it at all, they'd all be giving up their positions for the sake of the country, but if they do that, "there goes my chance of ...". Sorry, this country is going down. We need leaders who are untainted & unblemished... and nothing less. Then, and only then can we talk of integrity and credibility.

Maverick SM said...


We have already reformed; for better and for far worst; we had reformed the parliament: they are the elected zoo products.


We have the highest integrity of the land: untainted, unblemished and credible law-makers of the world; because we don't know what it is anymore.

Khun Pana aka johanssm said...

"Integrity" is and was NOT part of the bn /umno lexicon.
Lee Kuan Yew took "integrity" along with him to Singapore years ago.
Sit down , take a real look at malaysian polis , kastam , immigresen ,ACA ,Attorney general , DBKL , the election Ratshit , the PM and our dpm.
Name one "integrity" you can find from them.

Anonymous said...

Lee sounds so "recent".

It is nothing to do with "suddenly trap in political-cum personal difficulties". The rot start many years ago, and deep in the culture.

The effect of bad policies take time to stack up, like cancer, it take years to build up.

Jefus said...

LKY has a ringside view of the soap opera that is on going in Thailand and Msia. Many more leaders near and afar are reading / hearing of Msia but not giving out any indication of their views.

It is in LKY's character to offer his views. Mentor Minister remember? - mentoring whether you like it or not,... his views should be as an eyeopener, but the M'sian law makers and the Top executives are too locked in spats to take it in as a heads up.

and the soap goes on will DSAI be caught in a court case? will Najib be caught up with the Mongolian murder case? Despite his denials? will AAB do a flip flop on his latest statement - retiring in 2011?

As the world turns,..... the average Msian has to endure the BS!

Jefus said...

2010 - sorry for extending the misery....

Anonymous said...

AAB is buying announcing the handover it will effectively stop Najib from challenging him at the end of the year. It would make Najib look power hingry and disrespectful to challenge AAB after AAB has announced the transition plans. But 2010 is 2 years away, and Najib cannot last that long with SIL in the background.

Smart move AAB..for whom? for the country or for self preservation?

In this instance, I share Tun's views, Najib will never be PM.

Anonymous said...

LKY why don't you make a couple of bombing runs over P'jaya. We need enemy to unite.


normsaid said...

Maverick SM,

You're kidding me, right? The ship is sinking, and I don't intend to sink with it. Now would be a good time for a mutiny...

Anonymous said...


Wow. Even Lee Kuan Yew is criticising Malaysia. But anyway its truth.

Malayasia have all the natural resources, you name it. Our country should be considered one of the wealthiest country in the region, like he said.

But the sad part its the mudslinging between the politicians, which affect the economic growth of the country. If the issues did not affect the country's growth, probably the public wont be so frustrated with the scenery.

Anonymous said...

Spot on LKY!! So, now what?? We got animals in the parliment and as the head and assistant of the country. How la!!??

You people got read what that PM said in his bugger off press conference. Make TULAN only got!!

Anonymous said...

Like LKY said, Malaysia is one of the wealthiest and most promising country in the region.But sadly, we're more obsess with the politicians war. It's such a waste for our country to waste their time meddling with issues that wouldn't even bring any good.

Anonymous said...

It's the leaders who lack integrity, not the country.

yapchongyee said...
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Anonymous said...

This is a challenge for us. Even the foreigns are able to see that our current political situation is in havoc and comical.
Our politicians should stop this and start to gear on bringing our integrity back, not just for the rakyat but also in the eye of the world.
don't wait until we become the laughing stock of all.

Anonymous said...

"...lack of a certain integrity in the system..."

so, he saying those umno flers in the government are not trustworthy, izzit?

but then again, we knew & the whole world acknowledged the fact... the system is rotten to its core!


Anonymous said...

Kebanyakkan kucar kacir yang berlaku dalam politik negara sekarang ini adalah disebabkan oleh Anwar. Disebabkan dia seorang, macam2 yang terjadi..

Unknown said...


Lee Kuan Yew has a good strong point that many would agree. Our Leaders and BN Cabinets are bu nch of corrupts and being cabarets character, they cannot afford to have and maintain basic integrity attributes in their life.

It takes SHIT to smell like one, and these cabarets and cabinets are similar to each other.

As long as the PEOPLE condone such faeces, they will continue ruining the nation and cannibalise the brains of locals to their advantage.

We the PEOPLE who are to blame!

Anonymous said...
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Hope said...

Our country is blessed with so many things. What we lack of are leaders with brains, wisdom, courage and integrity.

Maverick SM said...

Khun Pana,

Name one integrity you can find? Ya, The PM says he will retire by 2010 after the nation is reformed!!! But I don't know what he wants to reform as he refuse to implement the IPCMC, Judiciary system, corruption, murder of Altantunya,etc.

Another Integrity: Balasubramaniam retract his first SD and made his second.


The problem is, they don't see there's any problem.


Our foreign minister will be filing a protest to Singapore for interfering with our domestic affairs.


You can never be sure; Najib has a few acecards.


What's that you are saying??????


No lah; no sinking, already sunken; how to sink?


LKY is the mudslinger; but he told the truth; the sad truth.


Semua okay, okay?


There's no waste; there's plenty to plunder.


The leaders and the country, is it chicken and egg?


You wrote such a long story of yourself and your plight which we have read so many times. I respect and understand your feelings and frustrations and I hope you can solve it with the relevant authorities. You have made your case so very clear and we have heard of it and understand it except we do not have the power nor influence to do anything.


The foreigners are blind; they didn't see the worst of it; they are only seeing the skin.


The system is not rotten; we still have crude oil to finance us.


Di sebab oleh Anwar? Anwar tak ada kuasa - tak ada kuasa curi, tak ada kuasa makan suap. Awak memang buta; Kesian awak.


We the people are to be blamed? No, some people only!!!


Our leaders have brain but the brain is used as kidney and the kidneys are used to think.

Anonymous said...


Semua tak Okay okay la!! Si bodoh tu nak pencen 2 tahun dari sekarang! Buat malu dan susah kita semua aja... Cisbedebah!

Maverick SM said...


Dua tahun tak panjang masa; se kelip mata saja.

Anonymous said...

Kindly advise that Old Harry Lee to mind his own bloody business and retire gracefully before he ended up like our Old Tun who is now talking more thrash than common sense.

Anonymous said...

But the Harry Lee is talking sense, which none of our minister is seems capable of doing. maybe you got better suggestions for malaysia, let us know? ok?