Friday, July 04, 2008

Bala SD corrections

Balasubramaniam woke up this morning and discovered that he made some mistakes in his earlier Statutory Declaration. He quickly got a new lawyer and immediately set out to make the necessary corrections and make his SD-II.

The following is the new statutory declaration released by P Balasubramanian today at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur.

I, Balasubramaniam Perumal, do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:

4. I wish to retract all the statements that I have made in paragraphs 8, 25, 28, 49 and 50 to 52 of my statutory declaration dated July 1, 2008. The statements contained in paragraphs 8, 25, 28, 49 and 50 to 52 of my statutory declaration dated July 1, 2008 are inaccurate and not the truth. I wish to expressly state that:

a) At no material time did Abdul Razak Baginda inform me that he was introduced to Altantuya Shaariibuu by a VIP;

b) At no material time did Razak Baginda inform me that Najib Razak had a sexual relationship with Altantuya Shaariibuu and the she was susceptible to anal intercourse;

c) At no material time did Abdul Razak Baginda inform me that Najib Razak instructed Abdul Razak Baginda to look after Altantuya Shaariibuu as he did not want her to harass him since he was the deputy prime minister;

d) At no material time did Razak Baginda and/or Altantuya Shaariibuu inform me that Najib Razak, together with Abdul Razak Baginda and Altantuya Shaariibuu had met and all been together at a dinner in Paris;

e) At no material time did Altantuya Shaariibuu inform me that she wanted money in the sum of US$500,000 as a commission for a submarine deal she assisted with in Paris;

f) At no time whatsoever did Abdul Razak Baginda and/or Altantuya Shaariibuu inform me that Najib Razak met with Altantuya Shaariibuu in Singapore;

g) At no time whatsoever did Altantuya Shaariibuu inform me that she wanted me to arrange to see Najib Razak;

h) At no time did I tell the police during the course of their investigations about any relationship between Najib Razak and Altantuya Shaariibuu as no such relationship existed to my knowledge. Accordingly, the statement I signed before the police is complete;

i) At no time did Abdul Razak Baginda inform me that he had sent Najib Razak an SMS the evening before he was arrested; and

j) At no time did Abdul Razak Baginda inform me that Najib Razak had sent him an SMS on the day of his arrest to the effect that he was going to see the IGP that day and that the matter should be resolved and for Abdul Razak Baginda to remain calm.

5. In addition, I wish to retract the entire contents of my statutory declaration dated July 1, 2008. I was compelled to affirm the said statutory declaration dated July 1, 2008 under duress.

And I make this solemn declaration voluntarily and conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1960.

Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal

Source: Extracts of Bala's new statutory declaration

Bala said: "I wish to retract the first declaration. I was compelled to affirm the July 1 declaration under duress."

He however did not reveal who forced him to affirm the first declaration.

Bala's former lawyer, Americk Sidhu, who was with him yesterday was unaware of the latest development.

Americk told Malaysiakini that Balasubramaniam received a phone call from the police soon after his press conference yesterday to report to the Brickfields police station.

Americk Sidhu said that he last saw Balasubramaniam at 4.45pm after dropping off his client at the police station.

Source: Malaysiakini

So, everything is now clarified; Najib had nothing to do with the whole Altantunya episode; it was merely a bad dream, some kind of a neurotic disorder, something which we often called insane delusion, which affects his mind at that particular time and of which had cause him to pre-assumed/perceived some phenomena which did not exist; and of which he was not able to discern and have no control over his mind.

Now that he had fully recovered, he would want to correct the wrong and make it right; so that the right would not be wronged, and permits the wrong to be the right.

Now we all can see clearly the difference between the right and wrong. The wrong is now righted and the earlier right is now pronounced to bewrong.

But it does cause some uncertainty when the certainty is clarified, that we can neither see which is right nor what is wrong; and neither can we now understand the right from the wrong; for the right had displaced the wrong, and the wrong from the right, such that the right becomes wrong, and the wrong now righted in such way that the right can also be wrong, while the wrong is now called right.

It is now clear that there can be no right or wrong, for wrong can be perceived to be right and the right had been perceived as wrong. We can fully understand the right and the wrong as long as the wrong is made to be wrong and the right is declared as right.

Right or wrong? Can you tell me, please?


Anonymous said...

i am not suprised at all that it turn out this way. this is malaysia. anything is possible.

Jefus said...

his credibility has been blasted to bits,.... thats the end of him in the witness stand,....

wasn't this what happened in the first case? destroy the credibility of the witness?

Anonymous said...

Hello mave,

I agree annon. But something is fishy here. Now why did Bala suddenly pull out Najib's name out from the Sd so suddenly. Its like the authorities is trying to suppress the the infos. Or is this just a mind-jogging for the public to be confuse with the case issue?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Why is this happening? Anwar has a new plan ka?

Maverick SM said...


Well, that's what it is all about in a legal forum.


Like I say, right or wrong, the statements have made it clear; the right had being declassified as wrong and a new right had displaced the wrong. The wrong had being righted and the right has now replaced the wrong. Right or wrong?

Anonymous said...

So our macha toddy finally worn off.

When you drive, don't drink.

But when you drink, shut up la!


Anonymous said...

Right or wrong, vvip belakang masuk tak boleh belakang keluar lah. Kotor kotor.

A DPM accused of involvement in murder case cannot defend herself in an open court? Don't wear skirt anymore, wear banana leaf lah.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The allusion to anal sex in the 1st SD should have been enough to scream fish, maybe Mr Bala got cold feet upon realizing he's just a hapless pawn in Anwar's grand plan? and unlike RPK..he hasn't as much to gain and correspondingly, alot more to lose, hence the complete switch.

Anonymous said...

His retraction matters not, because the police will investigate both the new and old one.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Pelik bin ajaib. Siapa yang lebih berupaya untuk menugut atau mempengaruhi supaya SD oleh Bala ditarik balik? Najib? Anuar? Kenapa perkara -perkara specifik berkaitan dengan penglibatan najib sahaj yang ditarik balik? Kenapa Najib tak saman saja bala untuk 'defamation' umpamanya.
Kenapa Bala tukar peguam dan tukar SD selepas jumpa polis?
Siapa akan lebih rugi atua siapa pula yang lebih untung jika SD Bala ditarik Bala.

So siapa mangsa? Yang saya pasti mangsa yalah bala!!!

Anonymous said...

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure this:-

Either Bala chap suddenly finds he got a lot of money overnight or his balls were squeezed or both...

Wow...this is the most dramatic Bolehwood drama .

Anonymous said...

All the World's a Stage ~ As You Like It by William Shakespear

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..."


What pisses me off, is all this in fighting among these gundus ie: TDM vs Pak Lah, Najib vs Anwar,Kuli vs Pak Lah etc,etc ad nauseam...

Such a waste of time,resources & energy! The question the Rakyat must now ask is:-



Arena Green said...

I solemnly believe that right or wrong, Mr Bala has sadly joined Mr Saiful in becoming the butt of jokes and our Tourism Minister must be happy that we are getting free worldwide publicity for Cuti Cuti Malaysia courtesy of these two jokers.

CK said...


Anonymous said...

Hey f ...@#$%^ you !!!dont keep insulting other races just because of a person "contradicts himself under duress". Please read my fine prints. To make accusations you need balls real balls.

Anonymous said...

Confused to the be honest. Then again, this has been the story of Bolehland for years now...

Looking on the bright side of things...(depending which side you are) Najib had to endure the wrath of Rosmah sebab allegedly pernah dan telah "melunyaikan" Altantuya (may you RIP)....Oopss, maybe that's why RPK alleged macam tu dalam SD dia...bijak, bijak.

Hasbullah Pit said...

Pengakuan ke 2 ini boleh diibaratkan umpama "Bapak kata bapak tiada" dalam cerita Nujum Pak Belalang.

Anonymous said...

Why did A. Sidhu drop him alone at the police station? Isn't he suppose to represent Bala ???

kfaisal said...

it seems that everyone likes to main 'sorong-tarik'..

just like the adidas ad..
impossible is nothing.. i guess it applies here in Malaysia very well..

Gukita said...

Are you surprised? I'm not. Last time Dato Nalla had to learned that going against establishment need too much balls. This guy doesnt last 1 day. Munawar Annees didnt last 1 week.

Anonymous said...

Retracting within 24 hours? Why does he have to go to the police station? Who made the report, what case is it? Being a former policeman he should know his rights! This Bala and his lawyer are both idiots. Let the police come to him if there is a case to answer, why volunteer? Who are they to demand him to present himself in the police station when there is no case?

It's INTIMIDATION in play!

However, Bala's first SD itself is questionable because it is based on what Baginda told him, thus HEARSAY! Eventhough Baginda told him, and if Baginda denies, Bala's arse will be on fire. Anyway, he is in hot soup now, in either state!

Anonymous said...

Indians rule,
Balasubramaniam - screw up Altantunya murder conspiracy
Lingham - screw up judiciary
Mamak Malabiri-biri - screw up the cuntry.


Anonymous said...

Americk Sidhu you failed your client. You failed your profession
You should have been there with him when he was called back to brickfields

Anonymous said...

Mr P Bala,
Which part of the following sentence do you not understand?

'And I make this solemn declaration voluntarily and conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1960.'

Anonymous said...


Blackmail people to get rich are "bad" ;), it might get one kill if the involved person possess C4 to annihilate your genetic traits .

Alas, Mr Bala just found the best way to get rich quick but minus the risk of being See-4. Make a SD and wait for the "offer".

That is what I think in Day 1 when Bala did it. Apparently, everything has been Kau-tim. ;)

Maverick SM said...


You are out of topic.


It doesn't matter; we are observers.


You have a point.


Ya, you are right.

Malaysia Boleh,

We can only guess; only Bala has the answer.


Pak Lah is running the country. There are so much complex problems to solve.

Anak Merdeka,

I believe if you are Bala you may have to do the same for a good reason.


I agree with you.


You are also complex.


You have a good point.


I agree with you. I wasn't surprise at all because I expected the outcome.


Americk is only a lawyer engaged by a client.


Maybe he misunderstand himself.


We can't assume it is what you said; I think we can only wait for the police to do their investigation and straightened things out. Probably, a Royal Commission may be more appropriate.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


any idea why only najib's name is retracted in the 2nd SD?

Anonymous said...


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