Monday, July 21, 2008

Proton's needs, NEP's Dilemma

Proton Holdings Bhd needs a foreign partnership to be more competitive in the automotive market, said Minister of International Trade and Industry Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

"I still believe that this (foreign partnership) is an idea which Proton has to explore.

"I don't think that we need to be too nationalistic in the sense of supporting Proton without taking into consideration what the business is all about," Muhyiddin said.

Source: 'Proton needs foreign partner'

OMG! This is going to be hurtful! This strikes the very ego of the central system - it is the ketuanan thing; Proton is part of the core concept and any loss of control will crack the central ego; it will also diminish the Bumi percentum and directly affects the aspiration of achieving the artificial illusory 30%. They themselves keep doing things that impair and ultimately diminish the 30% and then later blames every others for their inability to get there. How could they do this? What if, other than Proton, there are in reality more of such organs that are also facing such competitive dilemmas and may have also to consider the dilutions and diminution of control? Wouldn't that defeat the fundamental concepts?


Anonymous said...

Next to come: Petronas also needs foreign partners

Anonymous said...

The ketuanan thing is the most stooopidest thing holding the growth of the bumi economy.

Until they learn that 30 percent of nothing is nothing...and 10 percent of the global car market is thousands times more, proton will remain in a shithole

On the other hand, once the control goes to the foreigners, the crony vendors will be dead.

Both ways, proton is f*cked.

Anonymous said...

proton needs foreign partner cos they got no technology nor the engineering capabilities to improve, update and improvise the technology.

car technology is so advanced now, that even a software company like tata can produce a cheap and mini car, though is not as complex as a BMW, but i don't think it is worse than a proton car.

we bought lotus and the italian motocycle company, but no capable engineers to learn the technology, nor the right brain to manage it.

if the right people had run it, instead of selling the motocycle for 1 euro. they should have plunder all the patents, and transfer the rights to proton. find out who are the engineers that knew the patents and the technology well, and pay them to join proton under a new motocycle group division. and then sell the empty shell.

why they even buy it in the first place is a mis-advanture, i must say.

so, with no technology, no brains to run and engineered it, eventually the ketuanan thing got to suffer a bit of pride reduction. no choice..leh.

if it's me, i will make a trip to China. the chinese are good engineers and with a good price as well. they had helped Africa build dams, and etc and their are now superior in technolgy, with a few cars to their name.

what China lack is natural resources, so a deal can be struck with them. But I can not sure if malaysia think that they will suffer an ego reduction if they learn from China? cos if they can learn from Japan, US, and Europe, I don't see why not China.

cheers man.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Muhyiddin was referring to foreign partners to help alleviate their stagnant technology resources. We can recall how the purported partnership with Volkswagen was cancelled due to some ego wrangling by Pak Lah. Also the sale of MV agusta fpr 1 euro. Since then, proton need an injection in terms of technology advancement. What better and quicker way to obtain it? Through foreign partnership with renowned brands.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Yup. I agree with what the annon said above, the national car company lacks of technology in motorcars.

If proton were to develop their motorcars to a standard linear as the BMWs, Merzs, MAZDA, HONDA or whatsoever they need to improvements, and one of the options is to joint venture with other known foreign car companies as well.

Anonymous said...

To have our own car company is a good moral and image boost but if that particular company brings forward endless problems then 'Baik Tak Payah' tagline should be applied to it.

Anonymous said...

no, actually having our own car is good, cos it help a country to develop its technology and our small and medium industries to support it. a car has hundreds of components, and imagine the other industry and jobs created to support it.

the problems happens when we have no-brainer running the show, and NEP policies. A lot of good manpower was neglected. We run companies as if it was a political party.

So what can we expect?

Cheers man.

Anonymous said...

Artchan, U r wrong!

“Until they learn that 30 percent of nothing is nothing...and 10 percent of the global car market is thousands times more, proton will remain in a shithole”

“Maruah bangsa” cannot be equal to any value!

Anon 4.43, U r wrong, too!

“no, actually having our own car is good, cos it help a country to develop its technology and our small and medium industries to support it. a car has hundreds of components, and imagine the other industry and jobs created to support it.”

The world is NOT stagnant. Yr idea is 20th centuary old. We should do what’s we’re BEST to remain relevant & competitive in this 21st cenrtuary. Simply because we have the edge in our background trainings.

If yr logic holds then we should have be at the fore-front of rubber & tin technologies, together with all the supporting industries. At we let them go because they were thought to be sunset industries(?).

What is the point of starting industries from ground zero if the people are forever NOT ready? Like Proton! The Korean started at about the same time & yet they’re almost on par with the Japanese NOW. What takes? Need to say more.

Somehow I think the proper reason is these ‘sunset industries’ are NOT the in-things, NOT glamorous, most of all NOT high tech! Alone these lines we forget that the ‘people’ who supposed to hold the torch was not ready, ill-selected, mis-trained & only want to have ‘gaya’.

Anonymous said...

What bargaining chip proton has in discussing with foreign partner? Other than market access, is there anything else?

Anonymous said...

Proton was purposely dumped by POKLEH just to get even with Mamak Kutty (1st M'sian Indian PM).


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I laugh on some of the comments. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Do you really thinks technology are really matters to the country/organisation/coorperate that runs by people prefer to know WHO then know HOW?

Mechanic already find the solution that plague Proton car power windows for 15 years, did Proton bother to fix it?

Wanna have more tech fun? How about the Sarawak RM 2.5 billions 1st silicon? Sold to X-fab. Nothing is used by the country.

Want Yet-Another-Good-Example that are not so "high tech"? Well, how about KLSE hard-disk crash incidents? Fail safe technology already in place 10 years ago, money can buy, but did KLSE apply it or bullshit their way out?

In fact, we know the whole "National car" things has NOTHING to do with nation or malay dignity, but GREEDS.

Maverick SM said...


A system bred to dismalest will procure the exactness.

Cheers man,

I don't think the automobil engineers in China are anything. The made-in-china cars are not any better than Proton.


I think the problem with Proton is far more than meet the eyes.


In ideal partnership, it must mean that the foreign partner who are far advance in technology and size will want control over Proton and to have the power to decide on the vendor system; I don't think Proton and the govt can bow down on these terms.


You have a good point.


I think there's none.



Anonymous said...

anon 654pm..
what maruah bangsa are you talking about? After 20 yrs, we still have a shitty car. What is there to be proud of?

Proton cannot go on screwing the people who has been supporting it for the last twenty years. Volvo cars sold to is Jaguar. These are all commercial entities. Same for proton..if it cannot make money, please close shop.

Anonymous said...

hi Max,

Ego creates separation and sufferings!- Mmudahlupa

Anonymous said...


while i agree that the made in China cars might not be better than Proton, do you know that the chinese develop their own car, everything including the most important part that we lack, the know-how to the engine and transmission gear, while is the most high tech of any car development.

proton engine and transmission gear comes from mitsubitsi. all proton did was to package the stuff into a national car. that's why we cannot find any mitsubitsu car in malaysia after proton roll-out in 1980.

the japs refuse to let us have the technology, so we resort to buying lotus and agustus motocycle, only to make a blunder out of it.

it is not important that we must learn from the best, cos they will not let us learn from them anyway. try to go to Jaguar, BMW or Merc and say you want to learn thier know-how. if the japs with moderate tech, like honda and toyota or mitsubitsu refuse to let us learn, what more can you expect from Marc, and BMW?

So the chinese has the engine technology which we have none. Don't you think we can learn something? Improvement can come later on, if we are creative, but if not then at least we are not worse off, cos we have the know-how now to build our own engine.

trust me, other companies will just ask us to eat shit.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know now(short term planning)is when can Proton roll out its first 'hybrid' car. And when can it showcase to the world its first fuel cell car.

Anonymous said...


Thanks. You have a good point there. Is is truth that foreign partners will want to control over proton and to have the power to decide on the vendor system.

I wonder if proton could partner with perodua, could we produce a an elegant, economy cars?

Anonymous said...

perodua is just as brain dead as proton. proton is using mitsubitsu engine, while perodua is using mazda engine.

try to partner with other foreign companies and we will be taken over by them. yes, our ketuanan will suffer a lot in that case.

better solution is to buy the technology, even a software house like TATA can do it, why not 'malaysia boleh'?

malaysia have no idea how to build a car/motocycle engine and it's transmission shalf. and yet we talk about sending angkasawan to space.

Maverick SM said...


You have good pointers.


I like your quote.

Keith Low,

I think that is too far-fetched. Maybe, they should just concentrate on improving the power window first.


I can assure you that's what the main issue is: vendor system control and corporate decision-making processes.

Anonymous said...


But, but, but.... we Malaysia Boleh what!

We can send can-or-not to space but we r unable to roll out a hybrid car?

Sure or not?

Maverick SM said...


I do not agree that Proton project is about greed; it may have been infiltrated by it but it wasn't intended upon conception; it was a great idea but without much thought for the long term. It was purely about "Boleh"the ego.

Keith Low,

Rhetorics are just phenomena.

Monsterball said...

Proton is like an ageing spinster whose "Market Value" is dropping day by day.

They could have made a reasonable match with VW, but No, it was against the Ketuanan policy.

Next best was GM, but No, we can't have the damned Yanks having a say in running our beloved national car.

So who is going the be the next suitor ?

Parents with Aging daughters would understand how worried they get if their beloved girl still hasn't got hitched by the time they are over 35...