Mufti Perak Dato’ Seri Harussani Zakaria berkata, Anwar yang dihadapkan pertuduhan melakukan liwat, tidak perlu bersumpah atau bermubahalah kerana ianya tidak menepati undang-undang Islam.
Ini kerana katanya, tuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas beliau oleh bekas pembantu peribadinya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan adalah dakwaan jenayah yang termasuk dalam hukum kazaf.
“Kaedahnya dalam kes ini, ialah ‘orang yang menuduh mestilah mengemukakan bukti’ dalam mahkamah, jika dia gagal mengemukakan bukti, dia boleh dikenakan hukuman hudud.”
Mufti Perak itu turut memberi peringatan kepada umat Islam, khususnya orang-orang Melayu supaya tidak terikut-ikut dengan budaya agama lain yang bersumpah dengan kitab dan sebagainya.
“Tiada kaedah langsung kena sumpah dengan al-Quran, itu meniru budaya agama lain, sumpah yang ada dalam Islam cuma ‘Wallahi, Wabillahi, Watallahi’,” tegasnya.
Menyuarakan pandangan yang sama, bekas Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, Dato’ Hashim Yahaya berkata, kes yang dituduh kes atas Anwar adalah yang membabitkan hukum kazaf, bukannya li’an.
“Sumpah hanya diterima dalam kes suami isteri atau li’an. Menyuruh tertuduh bersumpah dalam kes membabitkan kazaf menyalahi hukum syarak,” tegasnya ketika dihubungi.
Menurut beliau, masyarakat Islam tidak harus dikelirukan dengan gesaan bersumpah, kerana sumpah bukannya sesuai dalam semua perkara.
“Isunya tidak ada sumpah dalam bab kazaf, orang yang menuduh (Saiful) mesti membawa saksi sebagaimana yang disyaratkan dalam kanun jenayah syariah, jika dia gagal, dia boleh dikenakan hukuman 80 sebatan,” tegas beliau.
Source: Harakahdaily
Putera Umno chairman Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim had earlier asked Anwar and Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan (his accuser) to appear at Masjid Negara and swear on the Quran.
Source: NST
Meanwhile, Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has suggested that PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz be the middleman in the proposed “mubahalah” (malediction) to solve the alleged sodomy allegation involving Anwar Ibrahim and Saiful.
Mohd Asri said that Nik Aziz was well suited to be the mediator due to his huge influence on society, especially among PAS supporters.
In order for someone to be a middleman, he said, the person should have an in-depth knowledge of Islam and also be influential in society.
Mubahalah is an old Islamic practice where the disputing parties would swear they were telling the truth and pray that God’s curse befell the lying party.
Source: TheStar
Ini kerana katanya, tuduhan yang dikenakan ke atas beliau oleh bekas pembantu peribadinya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan adalah dakwaan jenayah yang termasuk dalam hukum kazaf.
“Kaedahnya dalam kes ini, ialah ‘orang yang menuduh mestilah mengemukakan bukti’ dalam mahkamah, jika dia gagal mengemukakan bukti, dia boleh dikenakan hukuman hudud.”
Mufti Perak itu turut memberi peringatan kepada umat Islam, khususnya orang-orang Melayu supaya tidak terikut-ikut dengan budaya agama lain yang bersumpah dengan kitab dan sebagainya.
“Tiada kaedah langsung kena sumpah dengan al-Quran, itu meniru budaya agama lain, sumpah yang ada dalam Islam cuma ‘Wallahi, Wabillahi, Watallahi’,” tegasnya.
Menyuarakan pandangan yang sama, bekas Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, Dato’ Hashim Yahaya berkata, kes yang dituduh kes atas Anwar adalah yang membabitkan hukum kazaf, bukannya li’an.
“Sumpah hanya diterima dalam kes suami isteri atau li’an. Menyuruh tertuduh bersumpah dalam kes membabitkan kazaf menyalahi hukum syarak,” tegasnya ketika dihubungi.
Menurut beliau, masyarakat Islam tidak harus dikelirukan dengan gesaan bersumpah, kerana sumpah bukannya sesuai dalam semua perkara.
“Isunya tidak ada sumpah dalam bab kazaf, orang yang menuduh (Saiful) mesti membawa saksi sebagaimana yang disyaratkan dalam kanun jenayah syariah, jika dia gagal, dia boleh dikenakan hukuman 80 sebatan,” tegas beliau.
Source: Harakahdaily
Putera Umno chairman Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim had earlier asked Anwar and Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan (his accuser) to appear at Masjid Negara and swear on the Quran.
Source: NST
Meanwhile, Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin has suggested that PAS spiritual leader Nik Aziz be the middleman in the proposed “mubahalah” (malediction) to solve the alleged sodomy allegation involving Anwar Ibrahim and Saiful.
Mohd Asri said that Nik Aziz was well suited to be the mediator due to his huge influence on society, especially among PAS supporters.
In order for someone to be a middleman, he said, the person should have an in-depth knowledge of Islam and also be influential in society.
Mubahalah is an old Islamic practice where the disputing parties would swear they were telling the truth and pray that God’s curse befell the lying party.
Source: TheStar
Is this Mufti of Perak from Pakatan controlled state speaking under duress?
"Mufti Perak Dato’ Seri Harussani Zakaria berkata, Anwar yang dihadapkan pertuduhan melakukan liwat, tidak perlu bersumpah atau bermubahalah kerana ianya tidak menepati undang-undang Islam."
The idea of sumpah on the sodomy allegation was first suggested by the Mufti from Perlis, a respected religous figure.
So are we seeing political region? Who are we do we trust now?
Simple way to resolve this sodomy allegation without resorting to complicated legal technicalities would be for both Anwar and Saiful swear under Quran.
This very simple exercise will effectively reveal the truth.
"Berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah"
Correct me if I am wrong, I have yet to read any call from Pakatan leaders (eg. Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Wan Azizah, Hadi Awang, Khalid Ibrahim, Nizar Jamaluddin) to call Anwar to take up this exercise. Stange isn't it. The BN practises "kami sokong" blindly whenever their leaders face unfavourable situation, do we want so see the infected to Pakatan?
To be fair for our continous support for your pursuit to be the new PM, Anwar, please demonstrate to us that you are credible, do away with BN's mentality and culture, show us you are not only eloquent but brave, kind, truthfull, sincere and noble.
Anwar, please take up the challenge unconditionally.
Just do it!
what is this Sumpah Sumpah... Statutory Declaration not enough ke???
Funnie lah!
First thing first, get that Dumb and Daft fella Abdul Azzeez to Sumpah on "Batu Bata" and then take the same "Batu Bata" and knock on his forehead.
Now that is the Real Sumpah Sumpah!
What a born-Dumb fella. I bet you, Sheih Kickdefella will be laughing till his tongue drop down looking at Abdul Azzrez Sumpah Sumpah on "Batu Bata"!!!!
Kazaf as the pious and knowledgeble persons mentioned no requirement for Sumpah Sumpah; that's what happen when Sodomizer wants to be Shifu of Ass.
tak kisah lah sumpah macam mana pun..bukan susah sangat pun..kena fikir juga sekarang keadaan huru hara, at least dengan ada kenyataan sumpah macam ni, ia akan meredakan sedikit ketenangan..kalau betul tak salah buat apa nak takut..macam2, bila sampai masa dekat Anwar semua betul, walaupun ada benda salah yang ada kaitan dengan dia, dia betul juga dan kesalahan tu akan dijatuhkan dekat orang lain..
Swearing, mmm remind me of this...
Learning to Swear
A 5-year old and a 4-year old are upstairs in their bedroom.
"You know what?" says the 5-year old. "I think it's about time we start swearing."
The 4-year old nods his head in approval.
The 5-year old continues. "When we go downstairs for breakfast I'm gonna say "h*ll," and you say "a*s." OK?" The 4-year old agrees with enthusiasm.
The mother walks into the kitchen and asks the 5-year old what he wants for breakfast.
"Aw, h*ll Mom, I guess I'll have some Cheerios." WHACK! He flies out of his chair, tumbles across the kitchen floor, gets up, and runs upstairs crying his eyes out.
The mom looks at the 4-year old and asks with a stern voice, "And what do YOU want for breakfast young man?" "I don't know," he blubbers, "But you can bet your a*s it won't be Cheerios."
mubahalah or sumpah... saya setuju dengan ust harussani & ulama lain yang tidak mengesyorkan agar mubahalah ni dilakukan.
kita kena faham bahawa kes ni dah masuk kes polis. cara terbaik adalah dibicarakan ke mahkamah. dan kena faham juga dalam Islam juga yang terbeban dengan saksi adalah orang yang menuduh.
ثُمَّ لَمْ يَأْتُوا بِأَرْبَعَةِ شُهَدَاء
Para ulama sepakat bahawa ayat ini menunjukkan wajibnya si penuduh membawakan saksi seramai empat orang. Perbincangan terperinci berkenaan hal ini terlalu panjang. Namun saksi inilah kuncinya, tanpanya, kita tidak atau belum boleh mempercayai satu apa pun berkenaan tududan zina dan liwat atau kita mencari nahas di akhirat. (Al-Mughni, 9/72 ; Syarh Muntaha Al-Iradat, 3/599 ; Kasyyaf Al-Qina', 6/433)
Ertinya : Dan orang-orang yang menuduh wanita-wanita yang baik-baik (berbuat zina) dan mereka tidak mendatangkan empat orang saksi, maka deralah mereka (yang menuduh itu) delapan puluh kali dera, dan janganlah kamu terima kesaksian mereka buat selama-lamanya. Dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik ( An-Nur : 4)
jika seseorang mengatakan itu ini terhadap ust harussani, maka sebenarnya mereka tidak kenal mufti Perak itu bagaimana orangnya...
here's another link for you to read - hamirdin.
Your opinion is valid in the context of a social organization and a simple methodology. However, in the context of Islam there could be some difference. There are now various views on the subject matter, and it is best to learn from the experts.
Frankly, I don't think Anwar has the courage to do it.
Statutory Declaration is based on the Common Law Concept while the Sumpah is based on Islamic concept.
Let's observe and learn from the various Muftis on the subject matter.
Rawna Hibramin,
Perkara ini bukan nya seperti biasa; there's so much complexity and conspiracy dimensions. Let's watch and observe the outcome to understand the truth.
That's a nice joke.
I agree with what you said. But this is a case which does not fall under An-Nur as the Surah ia about woman and the adultery allegations is between Woman and Man; whereas, this is between a man and a man. Contextually it is similar but the Quran cannot be re-interpreted in another mode to suit the circumstances as this is forbidden.
My opinion is, Ustaz Harussani has given us a clear picture of what is written in the Quran.
saya bersetuju dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh Dato’ Seri Harussani Zakaria dan Dato’ Hashim Yahaya yang merupakan pakar dalam Syariah. kalau ilmu kita tak seberapa dalam hal sebegini atau langsung tak de, tolonglah restrain dari buat komen yang tak patut.
Thanks for the link and I will visit it now.
Aiyah....just chop the head of a white cockrel. Ong Ka Ting can be the referee lah.
That is Chinese traditional sumpah; does not apply to Muslims.
"But this is a case which does not fall under An-Nur as the Surah ia about woman and the adultery allegations is between Woman and Man; whereas, this is between a man and a man"
then, you should read this...
Walalupun ayat kelihatan menyebut kesalahan menuduh zina dan liwat kepada sang wanita, namun tuduhan kepada lelaki juga termasuk dalam ayat ini secara sepakat ulama dan ijma ulama (Al-Jami Li Ahkam Al-Quran, Al-Qurtubi).
I understand what was said; and there are many schools of thoughts on this interpretation.
I could not say they are wrong; as I said, the Quran cannot be interpreted in another mode, which in this case, the statement cited does interpret it in the contextual aspects. This is just my opinion; the authority to decide is still with the scholars and religious head.
ia adalah sepakat & ijma' ulama. dalam Islam selain al-Quran & Hadith, persepakatan mereka ini perlu juga untuk menjernihkan yang kabur...
you should get this also - Al-Jami Li Ahkam Al-Quran, Al-Qurtubi - in order to understand Islam as a whole.
and as i said before, you shouldn't interpret Al-Quran & Hadith alone without referring to the scholars and religious head... have you red both links? then you should understand, why the An-Nur surah can be applied in this case. this is where the qazaf comes from.
I leave you with your thoughts and understanding alone; as I said, I could not say it is wrong; but I could never say that the scholars can be absolutely right; scholars are human being and human by nature have their own mindset and preferences, and there is always a possibility to interpret things the way they see it. I am taught to read the Quran in its literal sense as the prophet said: "The Quran is complete". I can't add anything more than this word of advice from the Prophet.
You don't tell one person to swear. You tell both to swear. That's how it is conducted. But as a Muslim, I'm simply against this as well. Anwar was accused by certain people, I reject that accustaion, so for me to be convinced, those who had accuse dhim should produce their evidence. Simple.
Anyway, Anwar has answered it and you can read here (if it will satisfy you anyway).
JAKIM director General has also opposed this AMENO style swearing without due process. If you accuse someone, produce evidence. That's all. (Bernama/Malaysian Insider)
It is also interesting that you quote PUTERA AMNO led by Azeez. Well, you may read here to know his depth in Islam. (Huh).
Further reading:
Doc Mave, the swearing things are RUBBISH. It is not matter whether Anwar has the courage to do it or not, but common sense, wearing by the name of religion is stupid.
In political point of view, why should he take the challenge of a umno putera bloke? It is not about courage, but about active-passive move in politics.
And in justice point of view, why not let the whole things settle by law? Can religion swearing replace law? If so, Malaysia will be in deep shit of trouble.
And in religion point of view, I start laughing. Just look at UMNO, one can stop illusion about the "power" of religion swearing.
In Islam, if you're blur in something/issue that is not stated in Quran, 1stly you should refer to Hadith, if there's no in hadith, you should refer to ijma' (jamak = persepakatan) ulama.
One of the famous ulama' is al-Qurtubi who wrote the book of Tafsir at-Qurtubi. Imam Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr al-Ansari al-Qurtubi, was born in Cordoba, Spain, at the summlt of Its great period of Islamic civilisation. He was an eminent Maliki scholar who specialised in fiqh and Hadith. The breadth and depth of his scholarship are evident in his writings. The most famous of then is his twenty-volume tasfir al Jami' li-ahkam al-Qar'an, the first three volumes of which are covered by this publication. Imam al-Qirtubi was a man of great modesty who disdained worldly honours and throughout his life wore the simple gown and cap of the ordinary Muslin. He traveled from Spain to the East and settled in Munya Abi'l-Khusavb. in Upper Egypt. where he died in 671H/ 1273
His book has been translated worldwide including one by Aisha Bewley.
Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam juga bersabda:
إن الْعُلُمَاءُ وَرَثَةُ اْلأَنْبِيَاءِ، إِنَّ اْلأَنْبِياَءَ لَمْ يُوَرِّثُوْا دِيْناَرًا وَلاَ دِرْهَماً إِنَّمَا وَرَّثُوْا الْعِلْمَ فَمَنْ أَخَذَ بِهِ فَقَدْ أَخَذَ بِحَظٍّ وَافِرٍ
“Sesungguhnya ulama adalah pewaris para nabi. Sungguh para nabi tidak mewariskan dinar dan dirham. Sungguh mereka hanya mewariskan ilmu maka barangsiapa mengambil warisan tersebut ia telah mengambil bagian yang banyak.” (Hadits ini diriwayatkan Al-Imam At-Tirmidzi di dalam Sunan beliau no. 2681, Ahmad di dalam Musnad-nya (5/169), Ad-Darimi di dalam Sunan-nya (1/98), Abu Dawud no. 3641, Ibnu Majah di dalam Muqaddimahnya dan dishahihkan oleh Al-Hakim dan Ibnu Hibban. Asy-Syaikh Al-Albani rahimahullah mengatakan: “Haditsnya shahih.” Lihat kitab Shahih Sunan Abu Dawud no. 3096, Shahih Sunan At-Tirmidzi no. 2159, Shahih Sunan Ibnu Majah no. 182, dan Shahih At-Targhib, 1/33/68)
Di dalam Shahih Al-Hakim diriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin ‘Amr secara marfu’ (riwayatnya sampai kepada Rasulullah): “Sesungguhnya termasuk tanda-tanda datangnya hari kiamat adalah direndahkannya para ulama dan diangkatnya orang jahat.” (Jami’ul Ulum wal Hikam, hal. 60)
I should thank you for this, Mave. You make me a real digger!
What you said is in the perspective of a non-Muslim and in the context of the common law.
You got to understand that Islam is in itself a political philosophy and the discussions is based on the Quran. As this case involve two Muslims, it is the Muslims community discretion and it will be left to the government ruled by Muslims to decide.
Thanks for the good discourse. I appreciate your pointers.
Hi Mav,
Seriously, if religion was to yield so much clout or influence on us human beings - then there won't be so many bad, evil and corrupted deeds being committed !!
All of us would have no choice but to be good.
What say you?
I think you should put it in another perspective: it is because of these human evils that religion was made to educate and guide human behaviors - this is the truism as espoused by the philosophers.
Hi Mav,
That could be the other perspective, however, looks like many of the humans do NOT wish to be guided hence the world has become this sorry state.
What next? If religion cannot do the trick?
Resign ourselves to the fact that some human beings are beyond redemption?
If you understand how religion began, then you should know that religion was born because of man's tendency to greed, selfishness and desires.
Historically, religions have brought a lot of good to the society and to mankind; and thus religion did what it was suppose to do.
Saya tak paham mengapa harus mengaitkan issue politik dan agama ..
mengapa la ramai sangat yg sebuk sangat tentang issue bab sumpah ni semua berkait dgn tuduhan liwat ni ..
sebelom issue liwat ni timbul lagi ...ada tak sesiapa sebuk hendak mengemukakan soal bersumpah tentang jenayah rasuah dan pembunuhan kejam ??
kenapa ada berat sebelah dalam menangani isuue ini ..
sedangkah mufti dgn mufti sendiri bercanggah pendapat tentang issue bersumpah ni tak payah lah nak sebok sebok kita suroh DSAAAI bersumpah la pa lah .
Bagi saya ..logiknya bagi yg MENUDUH itu yg harus kehadapan mengadakan bukti bukti dan para saksi .untuk menguat kan status tuduhan beliau terhadap DSAI..
kita dah dgr smlm ucapan DSAI di stadium yg beliau SANGGUP di hadap kan ke mahkamah syariah pon jika benar dia bersalah tp mesti mengikut undang undang yg betul dan bukti bukti tuduhan yg kukuh terhadap nya ...
jadi apa yg nak kecoh sgt bab suroh sumpah ni semua ..sesiapa pon boleh bersumpah ..adakah bermakna setelah DSAI bersumpah kes akan ditutop???setalah besrsumpah mereka akan kata ok LETS FORGET ABT THE WHOLE THING ..\
Why is JAKIM and PM's Advisor on Religion come out to "help" Anwar on this mubahalah thing?
Interesting. Ada konspirasi kut?
ALOR STAR, 6 Julai (Bernama) -- Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) Datuk Wan Mohamad Sheikh Abdul Aziz berpendapat bersumpah dengan menjunjung al-Quran atau 'mubahalah' tidak perlu dilaksanakan kerana ia bukan sahaja akan mendedahkan aib seseorang di khalayak umum malah akan menimbulkan kesan lebih besar terhadap umat Islam.
Beliau berkata dakwaan liwat yang melibatkan Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan bekas pembantunya Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 23, tidak perlu diperbesarkan kerana lebih banyak cara lain boleh digunakan bagi menentukan kesahihan dan kebenaran terhadap setiap tuduhan yang dibuat.
"Jika diperbesarkan, ia bakal membuka ruang kepada pihak lain untuk campur tangan, sekali gus akan menimbulkan kesulitan kepada negara dan masyarakat," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita di sini hari ini.
Wan Mohamad berkata dalam situasi masa kini, lebih baik masyarakat memberi tumpuan terhadap agenda lain yang boleh mendatangkan manfaat kepada agama, bangsa dan negara.
Baru-baru ini, Mufti Perlis Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin mencadangkan supaya isu liwat itu diselesaikan secara mubahalah sekiranya ia tidak dapat diselesaikan secara perundangan dunia.
Hentikan cabar bermubahalah
KUALA LUMPUR 7 Julai - Pelbagai pihak yang kini saling cabar-mencabar agar mengangkat sumpah dan bermubahalah berkaitan kes liwat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim disaran agar menghentikan perbuatan itu.
Penasihat Agama Kepada Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Othman berkata, ini kerana perbuatan tersebut bercanggah dengan ajaran Islam terutama jika ia membabitkan unsur-unsur politik.
Beliau berkata, sumpah adalah suatu perkara yang tidak boleh dipermain- mainkan dan hanya perlu dilakukan ketika dalam mahkamah membabitkan peruntukan undang-undang atau kanun tertentu.
''Sumpah bukan boleh dibuat sewenang-wenangnya, jika yang bersumpah itu mahu menunjukkan bahawa kalau dia benar-benar bersalah maka akan turun azab daripada Tuhan.
''Tetapi bagaimana pula keadaannya jika orang yang bersumpah itu tidak dikenakan azab (di dunia), adakah itu menunjukkan dia benar-benar tidak bersalah.
''Sedangkan ajaran Islam hanya mempercayai bahawa azab Allah kepada umat-Nya akan dikenakan di akhirat dan bukannya di dunia," katanya ketika menghubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Beliau mengulas insiden cabar mencabar agar bersumpah atau bermubahalah membabitkan isu dakwaan liwat ke atas Anwar.
Sebelum ini Mufti Perlis, Dr. Mohd. Asri Zainul Abidin mencadang agar Anwar dan bekas pembantunya, Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan bermubahalah bagi menyelesaikan isu liwat yang menarik perhatian nasional.
Hello mave,
fisrt thing Tun-Benggap said that SD which is known as also "akuan bersumpah bertulis" is not enough?
Yup it is not enough. The current politic issue already showed us that SD has no value which could only be brought with the price of RM4.00 only.
Eventhough SD is a powerful document which if the the person is making a false statement wil get him/her ended up in jail sentence.
With the the current's issue which Mr. Bala made two SD after being being with anonymous person and also with the RPK's bravely action of making his SD statement which he is not being threatened to chnage his SD in every other kind, implicates the value of the SD itself.
The murabalah was an islamic way of SD which implying a heavy consequence of the person which tries to apply and is bind to the islamic strict law and heavy penalties if the person is guilty in his declaration.
so far, murabalah is not practice oftenly in our country except if the issues involves religion matters.
Although I'm not that deep knowledge in the murabalah, but this practice is feared as it involves the name of God (Allah) which we muslims are afraid of his punishments despite of our wrong deeds and false declarations.
Finally, correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
sumpah je kalau betul tak salah. orang tengah sibuk buat spekulasi sana sini, sekurang2nya kalau bersumpah reda laa sikit keadaan..
I agree with you; let's forget about the whole thing; it's too much complexities and opinionated.
Saiful's Challenge,
Thanks for the article; I somehow agree with the points.
I Murabalah and SD are two distinct and different thing altogether. Sumpah is about seeking divine intervention to settle an dispute that could not be settled with human law where the elements of evidence is insufficient to pronounce a fault and of which it is in regard to the virtues as required by the Divine.
Rawna Hibramin,
Your points make me more perplex. But let's move on forward and leave this issue behind; there's better things to discuss.
maner leh sumpah ikut dan saje, itu hanya untuk orang tidak berilmu berkata2. ini bkn berani sbb benar tp dr segi hukum dan ilmu. Di mana sumpah dlm islam hanya terjadi dlm perkahwinan yg tidak dpt disatukan iaitu satu sumpah si suami dan satu sumpah si isteri dlm kata mudahnya lian. Masakan ada sumpah br dlm agama, sdg kan diajar kpd kita hanya sumpah berikut. renungkan.
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