Sep 26, 08 12:17pm
Malaysiakini News
The Umno supreme council dealt a blow to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi by putting off party polls and its annual general meeting to March next year in the bid to force the party leader to hand over power to his deputy.
The decisions were made at an hour-long emergency supreme council meeting held this morning at Umno headquarters.
Speaking to reporters later, Abdullah refused to comment if he would defend his president's post at the March party polls, saying that he would decide before the division-level meetings on Oct 9.
"I have not made any decision as far as this particular point is concerned, I intend to do it before the division meetings begin," he said.
"The decision is mine, you can go on guessing. As far as I'm concerned, I love the party."
Source: Malaysiakini
he is going to quit, another he-clone is going to take over.
we will wake up tomorrow as it nothing had happened, the sun is still there and the moon is ever beautiful.
the wave tides the shores with great tender and grace, and you are still married to the same person.
everything is just the same.
just defend his post lar, anyway, he gat mandat from rakyat as pm wat...... let bijan stuck as tpm until bn runtuh...
If I'm Pak lah , I make it simple
I will deal with Anuar (another clone) to take over the goverment rtahre then hand over to Najib (Pak Pandir)
In summary Pak lah will lost his post then it is better for him to get money form Anuar and revenge UMNO team (Ku li , Tun , Muyi , Najib and others)
After that who want to lead is thier problem. As long Plah can noney , will make it.
After he step down , we can honey moon with his beloved honey .... Ibu Jeane .... CUKUPLAH .... Apa lagi kita nak , Harta & duit bukan boleh dibawa besama bila kita meningal dunia. Sebelum mati , janji kita enjoy
Pure Human Being
Oh no ! Not Najis pleaseeee....he is scarry...
"Biasalah!"Pak Lah
"Abdullah has said he wants to quit only after completing his program of reforms of the economy, judiciary and administration _ goals that have made little progress in the five years he has been in office.
The urgency to boot out Abdullah is also partly due to concerns that he may be incapable of dealing with opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, who is threatening to engineer enough defections from the ruling party to bring down the government."
link here
excuse me, reforms of the economy, judiciary and administration,...... wow, big words oooo
Is he just like Humpty Dumpty on the wall at this moment?
That's a good poetry.
What? I can't understand.
Pure Human Being,
You are a great thinker; but you are not Pak Lah. Pak Lah has integrity.
That's not biasa. Humpty Dumpty is surely down the wall.
Ya, that's the reform that is badly needed.
you can bet your last dollar: dollah is out.
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