"The strength of the aggressor can be measured by the opposition which he needs; every increase of growth betrays itself by a seeking out of more formidable opponents. The task is not to overcome opponents in general, but only those opponents against whom one has to summon all one's strength, one's skill, and one's swordsmanship - in fact, opponents who are one's equals ... to be one's enemy's equal - this is the first condition of an honorable duel.
The Four principles of war tactics:
Firstly, I attack only things that are triumphant - if necessary I wait until they become triumphant.
Secondly, I attack only those things against which I find no allies, against which I stand alone - against which I compromise nobody but myself.
Thirdly, I never make personal attacks - I use a personality merely as a magnifying-glass, by means of which I render a general, but elusive and scarcely noticeable evil, more apparent.
Fourthly, I attack only those things from which all personal differences are excluded, in which any such thing as a background of disagreeable experiences is lacking.
--- Friedrich Nietzsche; ECCE HOMO - How One Becomes What One is.
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