Monday, July 11, 2011


I wish to thank many of my friends for their moral and financial support of the BUM event. To-date I have received confirmation for bookings from my friends and colleagues of about 60 pax, i.e. 6 tables. I hope to get at least 20-30pax more.

For those who read this blog I hope you will join us at the luncheon forum. It is on a Sunday (24th July) and the event starts at 10.30am and should end by 2.30pm. We can have lunch together and have fun.

Please note that BUM is not affiliated to any political party. It is basically intended for bloggers and blog-enthusiast. The BUM organizing committee had invited BN and PR members and VIPs. We are not Bersih 2.0 nor NGO. We are bloggers and we invite bloggers and non-bloggers as a way to create interest in the blogosphere. Previous BUM meets, we had Mahathir and Khalid Ibrahim as guest of honours. At BUM 2009 we had Nuraina A. Samad, Haris Ibrahim, Ahirudin Atan aka Rocky Bru, Malik Imtiaz, Bernard Khoo, Salah aka AVoice, Howsy, Helen, Big Dog, eWoon, Raja Petra and his wife and many others who are now YBs, ADUNs & MPs. I think in 2008 we had Marina Mahathir too. However, after 2008 GE, the bloggers become Pro-BN or Pro-PR, Dato', YBs or paid-bloggers and we saw the rising of cliques and sectionalism and profiling amongst the Big guys or Super-bloggers.

However, BUM stays neutral as a group while individuals have their own political ideology and affiliations. BUM organizing committee are unknown individuals and non are superstar bloggers and non are active politicians. We are ordinary bloggers who just wanted to have fun and would love to listen to political views and opinions regarding issues of national and domestic interests. We are a social groupings and we will stay at such.


Anonymous said...

not coming

bayi said...

Doc. Put me down for two pax. Shall I send a cheque to you or pay there? Or is there a bank account to transfer the money to?


Maverick SM said...


Please come as my guest. I have reserved seats for you and your family members, friends, children and grandchildren.

chong y l said...

mave and friends hear, hear!
looking forward to meeting bayi2

bayi said...

Thank you. It's be my honour to meet up with all of you.