If we think the traffic jam is horrific in Kuala Lumpur, then you have to visit Dhaka to appreciate KL. It took us nearly 5 hours to get to a destination which is only 5km away from the Pan Pacific Hotel in Dhaka.
See the traffic ahead of our car.
If the traffic is bad enough, you have to experience the driving skills of the Bangladeshi.
Michael Schumacher would be terrified by the driving manners.
It was an honour to meet up with our Malaysian Ambassador to Bangladesh,
H.E. Jamaluddin Sabeh
Journeying along the streets of Dhaka, we will learn to appreciate our own streets:
I will be making another trip to Dhaka next month.
Why cant u walk for 5km?
if u land in Dhaka at night,....u will notice that large sections of the city have no power! no lights!
I landed at 1am (Dhaka time, 3am M'sian time).
By the time I check-in and get to bed it was 3am (which is 5am M'sia). And I have to wake up at 6am.
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