V.C. George said: "I've been screaming for reforms for years... the only person in the country, as far as I can see, who doesn't agree is the Minister in the PM's Department Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz."
K.C. Vohrah said the Sultan's speech was excellent and was exactly what we need.
Shad Saleem Faruqi said the law is only as good as the people who administer them. According to Shad Saleem, "We don't train, choose and develop the right personnel. The selection system is such that the right people are not being promoted."
Shad further called for an overhaul of the personnel manning institutions who are not doing justice to the law, and who are keeping the constitution at the periphery rather than bringing it to the heart of the legal system.
Koh Tsu Koon said Gerakan was extremely concerned about the recent incidents which had adversely affected public perception of the judiciary, which Nazri disclaimed.
According to Shad, the Constitution is supposed to be the highest law in the country but in reality it was just a notion. "A great deal of legislation passed by parliament and state assemblies disregard constitutional limits. Laws were enacted to empower a minister to use their discretion to impose any conditions the minister deems fit and that the power were granted in absoluteness, a total disregard to the Constitution.
"In a country with a supreme constitution, how can anyone have absolute discretion?" asked Shad Saleem.
"Freedom of speech can only be restricted only on grounds of order, security, morality but here you can put a stamp on the menu and you say "Sulit Terhad" and it becomes that.
It has nothing to do with national security or public order or friendly relations with other states. Whatever Parliament passes in its wisdom (or farcical), that is law.
According to Shad, "the constitution is only notional as it does not constrain the parliament nor the executives as they are given unlimited power" ...to do what they deem fit, as long as they fit what they deem (emphasis added).
ya hooray to the sultan!
the nazri guy should be sacked lah! so fed up of his bodohism!
thats what Nazri is saying. the majority rules and majority decides what is right or wrong. the Constitution? nothing but a piece of paper unless the majority decides otherwise. the Law? what is law and unlawful are decided by the majority.
if the minority doesnt like it and protest, the law will be harsly applied against them thru incarceration if need be under Internal Security Act or any other guises. Or the Mat rempits or Rela can be unleashed against any opposition. Or the ACA be used to harass anyone that is linked including mothers, fathers and sisters.
holy cow, remember Germany in the 1940s and Nazism. Sounds terribly frightening familiar now.
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