Radzi said Shahidan Kassim is 'Cakap Tak Boleh Serupa Bikin'.
One is Home Minister, the other the Chief Minister.
Shahidan said Perlis did not need foreign workers.
Radzi said Shahidan as the MB does not know what is going on in his state.
Radzi challenge Shahidan to repatriate all the 5,480 foreign workers in Perlis, and that include Shahidan's 5 Indonesian maids.
Radzi posed to Shahidan: "Why take Indonesian maids when there are so many local single mothers around? One must be exemplary in his action. Walk your Talk."
There are 200 foreigners manning stalls at the state-owned Arked Niaga in Padang besar and many hundreds at the state-owned grape plantation.
War with Samy
Samy called Kayveas' PPP a Mosquito party.
Kayveas retaliated by telling Samy to grow up as he is living in a world which is 30 years behind the times, that while PPP is progressing, Samy is having a bad hair day.
At the same time, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Sothinathan, a powerful and protege of Samy is suing Kayveas. Sothi filed a RM20mil defamation suit against Kayveas.
War with Nazri
Barisan Nasional and UMNO MP, Zaid Ibrahim fired the first salvo against Nazri at the 14th Malaysian Law Conference 2007 yesterday.
In Zaid's word, "...Almost 2,000 lawyers marching is a threat to national security but people don't seem to worry about that. Even the bench does not seem worried."
He said: "Going by interviews in the press, some leaders came off as being arrogant and this was not good for the country." (This is an apparent reference to Nazri's interview by NST Aniza Damis.
"For the right judges to be appointed, there had to be an open way of selecting them. There can't be statements like 'only judges who understand national interest would be promoted'. And now the Bar Council is likened to an opposition group. This is because you just don't care."
V.C. George said of Nazri: "We both have something in common, that is, we both know nothing about the constitution." (George was trying to be polite... you should read the lines)
More Wars on the carts... War at Bukit Aman, War at ACA, War in ECER & SJER, War preparation by Walk for Justice, ... only two others with no War: Istana has CJ headache, and Pak Lah had No Peace in Putrajaya.
Coming soon ...or Next Change...
good, good! let the war go on and on!
i repeat re: the 'bodoh' minister, nazri - either he resigned or he should be sacked! so very fed up of everything that came out of his mouth! i wonder how/why he can become a minister and how the others MP can tolerate him.
Not surprising...there are so many negative developments in the country and chinaman's coffee stalls at Jinjang or Ampang (Klang valley) abuzzzzzzzz with coffee talks and gossips. Elderly men and women (but mostly men) opening newspapers and exchanging views. They all "love" de facto ...yes they all love his character and his dung views...that they all want him out of government post. Dung from him and they said should dump the de facto brainless guy. No wonder he said everything looks to him like "coffee talk". And most chats (mornings) filled coffeestalls, wondering whether the "sleepyhead" should step down for the good of the nation. Well, over black coffee, these senior citizens are dreaming for a dream. The dream that the there would be a change of the prime minister.
Don No Key
My dear Maverick SM,
Thanks for peeping into "tumpang sekoleh",still an amateurlah,mana boleh lawan sama U.
Btw you are always welcome to comment. See U around.
Gahlo gahlo...!
No Peace in Putrajaya, so what!
Plenty of Gold in Swiss banks, that's what matter most!
Haha... it's a hilarious comic.
The writing on the wall - the pm has totally lost control in managing the country.
His next & only decent & honorable course of action to safeguard the interest & credibility of the nation - to take a hike.
to take a hike? Better for him to take a flying leap (from the Twin Towers)
Dog bites dog......... hahaha.........
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