Pahang MB Adnan Yaakob is concerned that ECER is not an appropriate acronym because the Bahasa Malaysia acronym will be Wilayah Ekonomi Pantai Timur which is WEPT, that's Crying...
PM's wife Jeanne said WEPT was a past tense for weep which means the people had finished crying and no longer sad.
PM Abdullah took out the calling card of Hassan Marican which said ECER can be pronounced as echeh which means 'to distribute'. However PM was quick to add that the name is unimportant as compared to smooth implementation of the projects.
In Malaysia, or should I say, in UMNO, rituals and forms are far more important than substances and structures. We can observed that its going to be a mad scramble for a piece of the cake. Already in the market, we are hearing from many salesmen from UMNO gong round looking for potential paymasters. Everyone is selling projects and anyone can buy. Of course the potential candidates are the Chinese and Indians as the sellers are UMNO boys. Those interested, and have the monies, can also seek my assistance to contact those agents. The condition is upfront payment for kangtau which we call consultant fees or at times we call "Finding Fee" or "Contingent Fees". Oh, forget, another condition is 10% of the project amount as contribution to the coterie.
By the way, other economic regions are also marketing their projects extensively. Potential investors do not need to worry about skin color at the time of investments.
Skin color matters not as long as the money is the correct color.
In ECER or in the Iskandar Corridor, all potential investors also do not need to worry about their skin color at the time of investment. But after their investment has been made, then there is no more guarantee.
I totally agree with Anak Merdeka.
Oh btw Maverick, is it ok if I link your blog to mine?
Constant Drama,
Sure, it's my pleasure.
Tanah Pusaka,
We are in concurrence.
Anak Merdeka,
So, money is the root of opportunity.
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