Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Public Safety & Freedom Walk Conundrum

PM: Public safety will prevail over public freedom

Public safety will be the Government's top priority before public freedom and there will be no hesitation to take the stiffest action on irresponsible people, said Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

"If the choice is between public safety and public freedom, I do not hesitate to say here that public safety will always win. I will not sacrifice my sense of accountability to the greater public, especially in the face of police intelligence about planned fighting or other violent intent."

"We must never, ever take our peace for granted. We must continue to be responsible to each other," PM said.

What public safety had been so much of concern, in particular, the lawyers' Walk of Freedom? The public were safe, dear PM. We, the public have the mental ability to discern and differentiate. Don't give us stupid excuse and try make us stupid. The public are not fools and uneducated. So, please make yourself an intelligent and wise prime minister.

Oh, let me tell you, dear PM, we value our freedom and liberties as enshrined in the Constitution of which you and your cabinet ministers were bound by law to obey and respect. If ever our constitutional rights are breached, we as citizen will do all within our power to restore it to its origin; we will; be assured. Please remember that the people had elected you to Lead, not to lead us by the nose; but to utilize your leadership skill, if you had any, to do things that benefits the citizen, the whole community, not a single, and not just your family, and not just your ministers.

Dear Pak Lah, this is your own words:

"A true Malaysian is acutely aware of who will be provoked into retaliation and who will actually suffer the consequences and will try to be judicious in word and deed, even when striving for change," he said."

Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin!


Anonymous said...


there is so much that the PM has said that is contradictory. you have shown us quite a few yourself, which makes me think...does he really know what he is talking? i think he did not even proof read his speeches and that all his speeches are wrote by others...maybe his SIL?

Maverick SM said...


You probably are right. I wonder whether he knows what he's talking.

Anonymous said...

He has to say something no matter how ridiculous and tastelessly prepared. The Goebbels will echo them all the same.