However, no one was hurt in the incident.
Teresa’s parents and her siblings were in the house at the time.
“About 2.55am, we heard a loud ‘bang’ and my son (Sow Kuen) went to check and saw a man wearing a red t-shirt riding off on a motorcycle," Teresa's father told police.
"A warning letter containing threatening words and vulgarities was also attached to one of the bottles which was left outside the house."
There were nails inside the bottle. However, the petrol bombs did not explode.
Teresa's father Kok Kim Tong said he was informed by the police that had the bottles exploded, the nails would act like bullets and could be deadly. Teresa’s mother, Poon Seh Kwon, 71, was at her husband's side during the media briefing.
Teresa's family members are very shaken and now fear for their lives.
"I view this act as most despicable and criminal designed to instill fear, anxiety in me and to prevent me from performing my duties as an elected representative.
"I also attribute this despicable act to certain media groups and blogs that have deliberately demonised and portrayed me as chauvinistic, anti-Malay and anti-Islam," she said.
Teresa said the attack could be related to her recent detention under the ISA on Sept 12.
During her detention, Teresa also lodged police reports against Umno-owned daily Utusan Malaysia, its senior editor Zaini Hassan and former Selangor menteri besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo for accusing her of involvement in the issues.
“I hope the police can give extra protection to my family members and also to all political leaders. If this can happen to me, it can also happen to anyone,” she asserted.
Source: Malaysiakini
I'm sorry Teresa; I'm not too sure you will get proper protection. You are not Saiful!
Or worse still ... her whole family can get "protection" the Miss Tan (Sinchew reporter) kind of protection.
Does she really want this protection for her family from our PDRM ??
Ya, you just reminded me. I have to quickly remind Teresa.
I hope Teresa won't be arrested again under the ISA "to protect" her now that her life has been threatened.
A cowardly act in the Holy Month of Ramadhan by dirty and despicable people.
I think the police also had advice her the same thing; I think only!
I don't know what is coward; they said this is courage behind the month.
We must always remember what has the PM's son-in law said (before 308).
"Lawanlah macam jantan, lawanlah di gelangan yang betul dan sah."
Never ever do stupid things lah!
Tresa Kioq is not Saiful! wou. If she wants to be safe she should follow PI Bala or be with RiPK.
wanna protection. call Al-Blur and he will give you ISA as the best form of protection. one caveat though. could be only for 18 hours.
I keep tell you people. Talk sum more la!
At least now Teressa knows the meaning of incite.
Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf zahir dan batin.
Can any one arrest that terrorist please?
Send him to ISA!
Tresa Kioq starts howling like a dog craving for the rotten eggs.
Just don't know what to say anymore. Its sad that this sort of incident happening.
We dont see all this happening in Tun Mahathir days.
When the country appoints Pee Minister with Pea Brain, the number of brainless people just growing.
Its scary!
This is not about jantan or betina; it's about terrorism and the rule of mafia.
They may not arrest the thrower; they will arrest the victim for making seditious report.
I agree with your points; but I don't agree that this happening did not exist during Mahathir's regime. It was the same.
Kalau berani, then mengaku lah. But they will never, because they are descended from a long line of cowards. Darah kotor. So disgusting and dirty, unclean due to low intelligence. Really terkurang ajar, cannot even write a proper threatening letter. If so stupid, must be the result of incestuous parents.
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