Sunday, April 12, 2009

One Malaysia belongs to Awang Selamat

Figuring out OneMalaysia
by The Malaysian Insider

What is One Malaysia? This has been troubling supporters of Umno since Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak announced it in his maiden speech as prime minister nine days ago.

Today, the Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia refuted that connotation in an opinion piece and put in perspective that One Malaysia means affirmative action policies will continue.

In his opinion piece headlined ‘Satu Malaysia versi sebenar’ Awang Selamat allayed fears that Najib will end the NEP and ensure equality for all.

“Awang hopes the true version of One Malaysia is understood clearly. The affirmative policies to help the Malays who are left behind (compared to other races) will continue.

Source: The Malaysian Insider

I think OneMalaysia means people like Awang Selamat and his families will continue to enjoy the privilege over and above everyone else. Just make them rich without effort and Awang and his cohort will be selamat. Otherwise, we will be in shit.


Pak Mat said...

Awang saja yang selamat.

Gukita said...

Dont have to make unqualified statements. Najib expounded his vision in his portal;

Moo... said...

One Malaysia means all mamaks, indos, arabs and some Umno Malays enjoy privilege without any effort.

Yan said...

It's the similar situation as Abdullah that Najib faced. ie. he can talk what he wanted but his supporters or his "master" wouldn't bother or allow him to do so.
At the end, it's another cakap tak serupa bikin.

Monsterball said...

I had a sneaking suspicion when One Malaysia was rolled out that its just a slick Public Relations scam. Dreamt up by a combination of paid management consultants and PR spinsters.

Awang Selamat just confirmed it.

Anyway I don't envy Naif Ton Rasa's position.

If he sincerely pushes real reforms, he will have an UMNO revolt, and he'll get punished during elections.
If he plays insincere reforms, the voters will punish BN.

How ah ?

Anonymous said...

Utusan didnot like it or Najib cooking capatis! So that cannot be one-Malaysia. It could be 'semua gua punya', as they say in Pahang.