Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail said he together with former chief justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamed and chief commissioner Abu Kassim went to Washington for the purpose of discussing with the American Justice Department officials about the drafting and implementation of a few laws applicable for Malaysia and the corruption agency.
As a follow-up of that meeting, six US Justice Department officials come to Malaysia last Thursday.
Perkasa and Umno Youth are not expected to object to this "interferences" from the Americans as they are invited by our government officials and should not be seen as interfering with our legal system. Equally, whatever opinion or suggestions from the Americans should not be construed as influencing or directing our Malaysian law.
The Americans are quite happy to note that Malaysian authorities are now more receptive to their suggestions and knowledge, and America can now look forward to participating in more such discussions and playing a more positive and active role towards helping Malaysia to develop the laws and assisting in improving Malaysia's justice system.
However, the Americans must take note that their knowledge and advices are only welcome when Malaysian authorities requested for it; and when not requested they should shut up and not comment about whatsoever that they think was wrong or not right.
Another note is that, Australian suggestion or advices are not required; until such time when our officials think they want it. So, Australian MPs should shut up and not interfere; otherwise there will be more protest and demonstrations at the Australian embassy.
The Americans are quite happy to note that Malaysian authorities are now more receptive to their suggestions and knowledge, and America can now look forward to participating in more such discussions and playing a more positive and active role towards helping Malaysia to develop the laws and assisting in improving Malaysia's justice system.
However, the Americans must take note that their knowledge and advices are only welcome when Malaysian authorities requested for it; and when not requested they should shut up and not comment about whatsoever that they think was wrong or not right.
Another note is that, Australian suggestion or advices are not required; until such time when our officials think they want it. So, Australian MPs should shut up and not interfere; otherwise there will be more protest and demonstrations at the Australian embassy.
Why I feel it is an act to "get Uncle Sam consent" in future politics turmoil happen inside Bolehland.
All the best laws can be drafted and put into effect, but so long as the there is selective enforcement and prosecution, all these will be meaningless. It only means more power to the powers that be, and as the saying goes... power corrupts..It is just an act to show Big Sam that Malaysia is working towards better governance..blah blah!
The Yankees wield a bigger sticks than the Aussies lah.
why enjoyed the trip with our blooded
tax money ? NH CHAN , an honorable
ex-judge can any time HELP out lah !!
I can't remember the last time that the AG's office asked the US Justice depot for help.
You can have all the best law in the world...but you have a fucked up judiciary.....makes no difference, To me this is a jalan jaln makan angin and waste of taxpayers money
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