WATER, WATER WATER, MONEY, MONEY, MONEYThe Star reported today that "Klang Valley folk may have to pay up to 45% more for water"Tranliterate the word "water" in Chinese local vocabulary, and it means MONEY!
In the Star news today, it was reported that "CONSUMERS in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya may have to pay up to 45% more for water next year under a proposal submitted to the authorities as part of a plan to modernize the water supply systems in the state and the two federal territories."
Consumers in Selangor currently pay about 90 sen per cubic metre for fresh water. The rates in other states vary from as low as 30 sen in Penang to RM1.33 in Johor.
Earlier, it was reported that Datuk Seri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik was puzzled as to the reasons of the large difference in charges; 'Why is it Penang charges the lowest rate and still makes money but some states charge the highest and lose their pants?' he asked.
Ironically, the State of Selangor and Johor have the highest revenue collection compared to the other States, and yet they seem to be losing money, while in penang, they are making money. Incidentally, Johor's revenue includes selling raw water to Singapore. Is it because of inefficiency and poor accountabilty caused by poor management and lack of transparency and leaking pockets and pipes????
As reported in the Star today, "THE Selangor and Federal Governments are likely to go ahead with a plan to grant Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) a privatisation contract to supply fresh water in the state, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya despite the company's proposal to raise water tariffs by up to 45%. "
Does this privatization meant to resolve the inefficency or is it to create a new breed of Kleptocrats under the Maxim of Paklahism, along the ideological doctrines of Mahathirism???
According to Dr. Lim Keng Yaik, private water companies will soon be required to manage the whole spectrum of water supply operations if they wish to be part of the sector's privatization process. "If you want to privatize water, be prepared to spent money and take a holistic approach," says Dr. Lim.
"To better manage the water industry in the country, the National Water Commission will determine the benchmark for water companies in the pricing, quality and performance of process water, says Energy, Water and Communication Minister," Dr. Lim Keng Yaik (as reported in the Star, on 27th. April 2004).
From the Star report today, SYABAS would likely be given the privatization scheme. Does it mean that Dr. Lim had vetted the privatization proposal, that it had met his full and absolute criteria and requirements that the privatization scheme include the management of the whole spectrum of water operation, that consist of managing the river, sourcing and treatment of water supply, maintaining the pipes, distribution of water, and be involved in treating sewage? Is the increase of water tariff by 45% complying to the benchmark set by the Water Commission, Or is Dr. Lim backing off from his words; (maybe) due to some political pressure exerted by the superpowers at the upper level influenced by Datuk Rozali's (of Puncak Niaga) and his powerful-link at the top level that caused Dr. Lim to back off and compromise (be subdued)?????
It seem that in the Malaysian system of management, governed by the politicial Masters (the right-term used by Daruk Seri Nazri), Political Masters are allowed to say one thing and then do another thing - Cakap Untuk Syok-syok sahaja! It is again "Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin."
Dr. Lim, "please stand up and let's hear what you have got to say about this"